Creativity Liberates! The motto of Young Perspectives has remained unchanged for 20 years. Over the years, our approach has been adapted to different and changing contexts- both in the Netherlands and abroad. But the underlying conviction is still exactly the same.
‘Creativity Liberates‘ means creating space for something new: a creative expression with an idea of what your life might look like, or who you might become.

YOPE addresses young people and professionals with the language of art, sport and stories of lived experiences. In doing so, we are not primarily addressing the factuality of the situation, but rather their imagination: the ability to see the factual in the light of the possible.
Every year in the EU over 1 million children face criminal justice proceedings. While a legal system must pursue the rule of law and the principles of a fair trial, it is equally true that children suspected, accused and charged for a crime must be protected and enter into contact with a justice system that is adapted to their needs.
YOPE wants to contribute to that change as a critical ally of the youth judicial system. For us, successful rehabilitation means that young people can once again feel ‘at home’ in the world. We believe that the best path of young people lies in the extension of where they come from. Our work must therefore contribute to new stimuli and positive relationships for a meaningful life. In this way, young people can relate to the people and places around them again after detention.
How can YOPE’s work contribute to positive and lasting change for young people in detention? We have represented that story in our Theory of Change, a schematic ‘change story’ created through YOPE’s encounters.
More on the Theory of Change: meeting in YOPE’s creative haven.
YOPE works to create a world where young people can re-connect with the world around them after staying in closed institutions. Their best path is an extension of where they came from and who they already are, with new-found imaginations and relationships for a meaningful life.
To get there, the people of YOPE meet young people in juvenile facilities and closed juvenile institutions and professionals from across the criminal justice system. With singularity and independence, there is room to experiment with something new. YOPE fosters a creative haven where we bring about positive change in the living world of young people and working practices of professionals.
This movement, like a stone hitting the water, also has an implicit impact on the system itself – people are inspired by the creative and positive work of the People of YOPE. In addition, YOPE, together with other partners and critical allies, positions itself more intentionally and explicitly for a just and meaningful juvenile justice and care system.
YOPE aims to bring about change at different levels:
Affective level (when our audiences are touched or inspired by something):
‘An alternative vision of the future appears, renewal presents itself in the form of a new imagination, insight or relationship.’
Cognitive level (when our target groups learns something new or gain a new perspective):
‘An energetic momentum for change is created.’
Active level (when a new world is irreversible):
‘A just and meaningful juvenile justice and care system is visible and irreversible.’
To be of as much value as possible, we have packaged our methodology in two parts: the DNA and a set of ‘playing cards’. The premise is that these provide guidance to the people of YOPE where it is useful, but should never act as a template or model. It is a invitation to Facilitators, Mentors and Experts to use their talent as consciously as possible.

Role Model

Critical Ally
The playing cards help the people of YOPE design their activities. They say something about what young people and professionals will experience when participating in a program, training and consulting assignment. The people of YOPE are trained to use them strategically when preparing and carrying out their activities.

Be able to make your own choices in how and what you learn

Feeling part of something bigger and outside of yourself

About alternative and positive ideas for the future

Learning something new, not too easy and not too difficult

An infectious vibe you want to belong to

Veerle coordinates the development of methodology, research and learning within YOPE. She would love to address your questions and ideas.
Veerle veerle@youngperspectives.org
06 – 27 11 75 15 // 020 – 737 1061